Our Evangelist

The apostle Paul admonished young Timothy to do the work of an evangelist – to preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with great patience and instruction (2 Tim. 4:1-5). Evangelists today have the same directive. "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?" (Rom. 10:14).

Kristopher Sanders is the full-time gospel preacher here at South Fayette Church of Christ. He and his wife, Dekena, have three beautiful children, Roman, Addison, and Memphis.

He is a native of Memphis, TN, and attended Bethel College in McKenzie, TN, where he received a master's degree in education and a BA in business. After graduation he moved to Atlanta, GA, where he met his wife, Dekena; and in 2014 they moved to Louisville, KY. As Kris will tell you, moving to Kentucky was one of the best decisions of his life because it was where he rededicated his life to Christ, got married, and welcomed two of their children.

Kris's desire for God's direction in his life led him to begin a deep study of God's word, which ultimately led him to preach the gospel. He studied under the tutelage, mentorship, and faithful examples of men such as Randy Duvall, Melvin Spencer, Don Wright, Antonio Martinez, and Antoine Holloway. Their faithful examples and leadership equipped him to preach passionate and practical sermons from God's word.

Kris's motto is simple: "Everything in life is about choice, so choose God." His commitment to God, the church, his family, and education have all been instrumental in his decision to preach the gospel. 

Kris can be reached by email at ksanders@southfayettechurch.org.